
Be Compassionate to Others

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Be Compassionate to Others

The happiness prescription is not a single dose which can work with everybody. Several articles have been written along the way to this very end of happiness journey. I will be ending this series with the last topic on ‘Compassion’. I hope that you have gone through the following topics related to how to be happy.

      1. Forgive Yourself and Others
      2. Appreciate Everything of Your Life
      3. Be Positive About Yourself- Self Image
      4. Change Yourself – World will Change for You
      5. Enthusiasm – Key to Staying Cheerful
      6. Live Now – Forget Past and Forget Future
      7. Money and Happiness – And their Relationship
      8. Be Happy – No Matter What
      9. Stop Your Life – Live in Moments
      10. Take Responsibility of Your Own Happiness
      11. The Donated Happiness – Give and Get
      12. The Power of Thinking Happiness

[su_quote style=”default” cite=”Lao Tzu ” url=””] Show me a man of violence who came to a good end and I will make him my teacher.[/su_quote]

Have you visited a doctor who takes a detailed history of your problem and dealt with compassion and respect and had an understanding behavior? How your feelings were towards such a doctor? How much you start trusting the doctor’s prescription just by relying on his / her method of dealing.

[su_quote style=”default” cite=”Mother Teresa ” url=””] If you judge people, you have no time to love them.[/su_quote]

Compassion is the attitude to feel empathy towards other human beings. Having concern for their problems. It is like stepping in others shoes in order to understand them.

When someone does something wrong with you then instead of keeping feeling of aggression and revenge towards them it is better to understand their situation and search for the genuine reasons behind such behavior. And most often you will be surprised to know people are not that bad how they seem to. There are always reasons behind every action. When you have found the reason behind action it is easy to forgive them.

[su_quote style=”default” cite=”Oscar Wilde ” url=””] The only difference between a saint and a sinner is that every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.[/su_quote]

In our previous article Forgive Yourself and Others you learnt to forgive everyone and your kind self for the mistakes and mishaps performed by you. But many times you might have found it difficult to forgive someone. When such case exists then feeling empathy and compassion towards the wrong doer will open new doors of relationships, trust and forgiveness.

[su_quote style=”default” cite=”Dalai Lama ” url=””] If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy yourself, practice compassion.[/su_quote]

Feeling of compassion is not only limited to wrong doers related to you. Everyone is human like you. Everyone is subjected to mistakes and blunders. That is what you need to understand first. Do not categories people as wrong doers, but just categories the task or action as wrong or incorrect. Sometimes people intentions are right but their actions are wrong. What’s wrong with it?

[su_quote style=”default” cite=”Just Win Singh ” url=””] The warmth in your heart is far more powerful than the heart in your head.[/su_quote]

Compassion can open doors of wisdom and patience. Learn to absorb others’ mistake and keep it with yourself as secret. It is how humans behave.  

[su_quote style=”default” cite=”Abraham Lincoln ” url=””] He has the right to criticize who has a heart to help.[/su_quote][su_divider top=”yes” text=”Go to the top” style=”default” divider_color=”#FD8B00″ link_color=”#FD8B00″ size=”4″ margin=”15″]

Have a Heart

H Heart their love filled messages

E Encourage their good intentions

A Acknowledge the path they have chosen

R Revive their broken willpower

T Treat everybody with compassion


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Be a Friend


Be a friend. You don’t need money.

Just a disposition sunny;

Just the wish to help another

Just a kindly hand extended

Out to one who’s unbefriended;

Just the will to give or lend,

This will make you someone’s friend.


Be a friend. You don’t need glory.

Friendship is a simple story.

Pass by trifling errors blindly,

Gaze on honest efforts kindly,

Cheer the youth who’s bravely sighing;

Just a little labor spend

On the duties of a friend.


Be a friend. The pay is bigger

Than is earned by people clever

In what’s merely self-endeavor.

You’ll have friends instead of neighbors

For the profits of your labors;

You’ll be richer in the end

Than a prince, if you’re a friend.

Edgar A. Guest

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About the Author

This article is written by Shad Muhammad.

(c) Some Rights Reserved.

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