Game of Thrones – Season 3 – Episode 7 – Online HINDI

Game of Thrones (GOT) – Season 3 – Episode 7 – Online HINDI[su_divider top=”yes” text=”Go to the top” style=”default” divider_color=”#FD8B00″ link_color=”#FD8B00″ size=”4″ margin=”15″]

Game of Thrones – Season 3 – Excerpt

Tywin removes Tyrion from his position as Hand of the King and insists he marry Sansa, whilst Joffrey is engaged to Margaery Tyrell (Natalie Dormer), in the aim to secure an alliance between the Lannisters and Tyrells. 


Jon Snow is still beyond the Wall and meets Wildling leader Mance Rayder (Ciaran Hinds) and learns a battle is to come with the White Walkers. Jon also falls in love with Wildling Ygritte (Rose Leslie).


Robb goes against his previous promise to marry Lord Walder Frey’s (David Bradley) daughter Roslin, instead choosing to wed Talisa (Oona Chaplin). This backfires, as at Roslin’s wedding to another man, Robb, Catelyn and pregnant Talisa are brutally slain – in a plot conceived by the Lannisters and the Freys in a bloody slaughter which became known as the Red Wedding. 


Arya witnesses the deaths of her mother and brother and flees with Sandor Clegane – known as The Hound – (Rory McCann). Roose Bolton is rewarded for his role in the slaughter of the Robb, Catelyn and Talisa and bestowed the title of Warden of the North. 


During this, Bran Stark has learnt he can project his consciousness into the body of a direwolf, Brienne and Jamie continue to travel southward and Daenerys demonstrates the power of her dragons and gains an army of 8,000 specialist warriors known as the Unsullied. 

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