Westworld – Season 2 – Episode 9 – Online ENGLISH

Westworld – Season 2 – Episode 9 – Online ENGLISH

https://www.mytrustworth.com/wp-content/uploads/DATA/Seasons/English_Seasons/Westworld/Westworld_S2/Westworld-S02E09-ENG-1.mp4[su_divider top=”yes” text=”Go to the top” style=”default” divider_color=”#FD8B00″ link_color=”#FD8B00″ size=”4″ margin=”15″]

Westworld – Intro

Westworld is an American science fiction Western and dystopian television series created by Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy. Produced by HBO, it is based on the 1973 film of the same name (written and directed by Michael Crichton) and, to a lesser extent, the film’s 1976 sequel Futureworld. The story begins in Westworld, a fictional, technologically advanced Wild-West-themed amusement park populated by android “hosts”. The park caters to high-paying “guests” who may indulge their wildest fantasies within the park without fear of retaliation from the hosts, who are prevented by their programming from harming humans. Later on, in the third season, the series’ plot expands to the real world, in the mid-21st century, where people’s lives are driven and controlled by a powerful artificial intelligence named Rehoboam.

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Westworld – Season 2 – Summary

After killing Dr. Ford from the end of season one, Dolores converts and leads the other hosts in killing many of the other guests in the few weeks that follow. She seeks to find a way to get out of the park to continue her revenge, and knows she must recover her father Peter’s “pearl” to do so and unlock Westworld’s true secrets with it. Charlotte Hale, who was attempting to smuggle Westworld data through Peter, also seeks the host as she cannot call for extraction without that data. Bernard still struggles with the fact he is a host, and comes to learn that Dr. Ford still has significant influence on him and the park. Maeve is aided by Lee and Hector to find her daughter, while learning there are many other parks to Westworld. The Man in Black is forced to come to terms with why he has spent so much time in the park when he encounters his daughter Emily Grace.

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