The Irregulars – Season 1 – Episode 8 – Online ENGLISH

The Irregulars – Season 1 – Episode 8 – Online ENGLISH[su_divider top=”yes” text=”Go to the top” style=”default” divider_color=”#FD8B00″ link_color=”#FD8B00″ size=”4″ margin=”15″]

Summary: The Irregulars – Season 1 – Episode 8 – Online ENGLISH

The city of London descends into chaos with people attacking each other in the streets and becoming monsters. Watson and the Irregulars travel in the sewers to approach the rip. One by one, the Linen Man touches them, inducing illusions that riddle them with their own worst fears. Before he reaches her, Jess touches the Linen Man, and the two attempt to enter each other’s memories.


Jess enters the Linen Man’s memories and states that he cannot cause hurt and torture to others without feeling a piece of it himself. He becomes tortured by the pain of all the people he has hurt in the past, loses his balance, falls from a height, and eventually dies. The others emerge from their illusions and reunite with Sherlock, who reveals that the Linen Man made promises of seeing Alice again. The rip grows; Alice emerges from within and huddles with her family, declaring that she will stay with them forever.


Alice tells them she was alone in Purgatory and opened the rip to be reunited with her loved ones. Once the rip is large enough, it will take over the existing world, meaning there will be no more life or death. As they reach the point of destruction, Jess tells Alice that she needs to return otherwise their world will be destroyed.


Sherlock and Bea protest; they feel that their previous life wasn’t worth living without Alice. To change her mind, Jess shows Bea some of her happiest memories. It works. Bea stops protesting and Jess begins to close the rip. Alice re-enters and is followed by Sherlock.


Watson stubbornly grabs onto Sherlock while Jess struggles with the power of the rip and starts to be pulled into it. Bea holds on tight but will lose Jess without Watson’s help. Eventually Watson lets Sherlock go and helps Bea to save Jess. The rip is closed.


London returns to normal, and the Irregulars celebrate with fish and chips. Spike tells Jess his worst fear was Jess being in pain/losing her, and the two hold hands.


Leo tearfully explains to Bea that although he loves her, they cannot be together. He made a deal with his family that he would marry Princess Helena Augusta if they saved Billy from jail. They have a tearful goodbye. Bea goes to Watson’s home and breaks down in tears. They bond as they both struggle with losing the people they love.

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The Irregulars – Intro

The Irregulars is a British mystery adventure crime drama television series created by Tom Bidwell for Netflix. Based on the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, it features the Baker Street Irregulars working for Dr. Watson saving London from supernatural elements.


Developed by Drama Republic, the eight-episode series premiered on 26 March 2021. In May 2021, the series was canceled after one season.


A group of teenagers living on the streets of Victorian London known as the Irregulars work for John Watson to solve increasingly supernatural crimes, while they search for Sherlock Holmes.

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The Irregulars – Season 1 -Trailer

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