The Irregulars – Season 1 – Episode 4 – Online ENGLISH

The Irregulars – Season 1 – Episode 4 – Online ENGLISH[su_divider top=”yes” text=”Go to the top” style=”default” divider_color=”#FD8B00″ link_color=”#FD8B00″ size=”4″ margin=”15″]

Summary: The Irregulars – Season 1 – Episode 4 – Online ENGLISH

Bea and Jess are angry that rubbish has been left by their mother’s grave. Watson hires the Irregulars to investigate a murder committed by a man who was murdered days before. Bea sets out to locate Sherlock Holmes’ whereabouts and investigate his link to their mother. Jess, Spike and Billy go to work with an inspector on the murder case. Bea and Leo shares a kiss.


Jess accidentally touches a man on the street and looks into his memories to discover the man took part in the gang rape of a girl named Clara, where they got her drunk, drugged her and then raped her at the local pub. Clara ended up contacting syphilis from the incident and becomes infertile, therefore seeking revenge against her attackers. She kills and skins the 3 men’s faces, and shapeshifts into them upon, wearing them where she sees fit.


Leo attends his debut party and meets a girl who offers him recreational drugs. The two share a kiss until Leo realizes that the girl is selfish, unlike Bea who is compassionate. He jumps off of the 2nd floor of the castle to find Bea and the rest of the Irregulars. Clara skins the barman’s face as she blames him for the incident at the pub, as he allowed the 3 men to hire the room they attacked her in.


Clara then takes his place in his family, as she will never have one of her own. Clara is found and chased by the Irregulars but Jess let’s Clara go after she showed Jess how she obtained the power and has no intention of hurting anyone else. Bea tracks down Sherlock at her mother’s grave.

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The Irregulars – Intro

The Irregulars is a British mystery adventure crime drama television series created by Tom Bidwell for Netflix. Based on the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, it features the Baker Street Irregulars working for Dr. Watson saving London from supernatural elements.


Developed by Drama Republic, the eight-episode series premiered on 26 March 2021. In May 2021, the series was canceled after one season.


A group of teenagers living on the streets of Victorian London known as the Irregulars work for John Watson to solve increasingly supernatural crimes, while they search for Sherlock Holmes.

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The Irregulars – Season 1 -Trailer

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