The Irregulars – Season 1 – Episode 1 – Online ENGLISH

The Irregulars – Season 1 – Episode 1 – Online ENGLISH[su_divider top=”yes” text=”Go to the top” style=”default” divider_color=”#FD8B00″ link_color=”#FD8B00″ size=”4″ margin=”15″]

Summary: The Irregulars – Season 1 – Episode 1 – Online ENGLISH

The episode introduces the Irregulars, a group of four teenagers who live in a cellar off the streets of London: Jessie, who has recurring nightmares; Beatrice, her older sister and the leader of the group; Billy, a guy who likes to fight; and Spike, a cunning guy who is able to network with people about the city. When Jessie wanders off to the street one night, she is nearly hit by a horse coach carrying Leopold, Queen Victoria’s youngest son, who wanted to get out of Buckingham Palace for his birthday wish. Leopold, or “Leo,” sees Bea come to Jessie’s aid and is intrigued.


John Watson, a resident of 221B Baker Street, who is part of a detective agency, hires Bea and her friends to investigate the abduction of four newborn babies. Spike leads Bea and Billy to Susan Shipley, sister of an abducted baby, but they are attacked by an immense flock of birds which kill Susan.


Leo joins Bea and her friends to locate the residence of another newborn that might be taken. That night, Bea, Leo, and Billy find that a giant bird has taken the baby, leading to a person who is able to control birds. Jessie has a nightmare where she is being choked by a person wearing a mask. In her dream, she meets the Linen Man, who asks Jessie to help him find the source of the bird man’s power.

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The Irregulars – Intro

The Irregulars is a British mystery adventure crime drama television series created by Tom Bidwell for Netflix. Based on the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, it features the Baker Street Irregulars working for Dr. Watson saving London from supernatural elements.


Developed by Drama Republic, the eight-episode series premiered on 26 March 2021. In May 2021, the series was canceled after one season.


A group of teenagers living on the streets of Victorian London known as the Irregulars work for John Watson to solve increasingly supernatural crimes, while they search for Sherlock Holmes.

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The Irregulars – Season 1 -Trailer

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